
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Eat the Weeds

"Green Deane" Jordan
Eat the Weeds

I am really excited about sharing this post.  Deane Jordan (aka Green Deane) is from Central Florida, and he has created a website on foraging wild plants for food.  He is a true expert on edible wild plants.

While there is a lot on information on the internet about "foraging", Green Deane takes a very scientific approach, and he has done a lot of research.  He then shares this information very well.

The highlight of the Eat the Weeds website is the Video's Page.  There are currently 125 videos each describing a specific plant, how to identify it, time of year to forage, the environment where it lives, and how to prepare it to eat.  A few of the plant videos, taken at random, include: Amaranth, Basswood, Cabbage Palm, Hollies, Kudzu, Pennywort, Pine, Spurge, Violets, and Wild Mustard.  Here is Green Deane's Video Page.  I highly recommend taking a look at these videos.

Here is a great interview of Green Deane that aired on PBS Radio.

Here is Green Deane's Blog.

Take a look.  You may be surprised that a plant you were always told was poisonous (usually by a parent who was told by their parent), is actually not only safe, but tasty!

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